
Gender-based Violence

Guidance and Sample Behavior Profiles

Guidance and Sample Behavior Profiles

Using Gender-Based Violence Prevention Sample Behavior Profiles

Countries are searching for ways to integrate behaviors into their work to end gender-based violence. The behaviors included here have been identified as priority behaviors whose practice could contribute substantially to reducing school-related gender-based violence.

Each behavior has been written from the perspective of the person who will carry out the behavior – the primary actor. Informed by a literature review, these Sample Behavior Profiles highlight some of the pathways to change for these behaviors. They are not intended to take the place of context-specific research.

In addition to the ways mentioned in the Sample Behavior Profiles Overview, these Sample Behavior Profiles can help you:

  1. Demonstrate the pathways to change from behavior to strategies, emphasizing the importance of behavior-led (not intervention-driven) programming.
  2. Engage with stakeholders on how activities might be aligned around behaviors and the pathways to change.
  3. Think through some of the inhibiting and motivating factors shown to impact related behavior.
  4. Identify outcome indicators that measure the uptake of related behaviors.
  5. Make the case for context-specific development or adaptation of promising interventions.

How to Use Behavior Profiles and Behavior Summaries provides more detailed guidance.

The first step in Behavior Integration is deciding which behaviors you want to Prioritize.

The second step is analyzing the priority behaviors selected for your country using country- and context-specific research, i.e. creating Behavior Profiles.  

Click to view the GBV Sample Behavior Profiles:

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