The third phase of behavior integration focuses on measuring CHANGE in factor and behavioral outcomes along pathways to your goal. Here you track and adapt activities to ensure they are having the desired influence on the pathways to social and behavior change.


The steps in the final phase of the behavior integration process (track and adapt) are focused on monitoring how and why change is happening, adapting activities to accelerate progress, evaluating your activities, and sharing lessons learned and potential adaptations of your activities.

Not only does Behavior Integration help you develop pathways to change, it also supports you to measure progress along the pathways. A key resource in this phase is the Adaptive Management Guidance and Tools. These tools can help you read, interpret, and use available data to ensure your activities are having the desired effect of moving you towards your goal, and, if not, determine how to course-correct. 

This evidence-driven process has been field tested, perfected and bundled into a set of steps with custom-built tools to help you implement right out of the box.

Think | BIG Step 5: TRACK

Here you will set realistic targets for the social and behavior changes you want to achieve and monitor progress toward them. During this step, you will track changes in behavioral and factor-level outcomes to support your ability to make decisions and adjustments as needed. Below are the tasks and supporting tools in this step.


Support Tool*

Set targets of success for behavioral and factor-level changes.

Set Targets

Monitor your behavioral and factor-level outcome indicators to track progress toward your desired social and behavior changes.

Behavior Data Dashboard

Factor Data Dashboard

Think | BIG Step 6: ADAPT

Here you will determine if, why, and how to make decisions and adjustments in response to new information and changes in context.  You will review, discuss, and use data and learning to inform course corrections during, and potentially between, projects. During this step, you will review your data against your targets and change pathways to understand if you are making progress toward your goal and what adaptation, if any, is needed to accelerate that progress. This process and any program changes should be documented and shared to support adaptation and learning within and across programs and partners. Below are the tasks and supporting tools in this step.


Support Tool*

Determine if and when you need to make adaptations to your activities. If they are needed, then determine what, why, and how to adapt your program activities based on your ongoing tracking.

Adaptive Management Guidance and Tools 

Make, implement, and monitor adjustments to your activities.

Evaluate activities and gather, document, and share lessons learned.