Design and Manage Tool DescriptionsGender Norms

Remember to access the online tools you need to set up a FREE account so that you can save your work and create (or join an existing) Work Area.  We guide you through the Work Area selection or creation process, so we will be there to help! 

Click on online or offline for the version of the tool you wish to use, depending on what is available.    

When you click on an online tool below, if you are signed in, it will automatically take you to the Work Area.  If not yet signed in, it will ask you to sign in first, then it will take you to the Work Area.

All tools for all phases can also be found under Resources and linked from the BIG Tools page.

Tool: Behavior Summary

Found: Online and offline PDF

This tool synthesizes information from your Behavior Profiles, so you focus on the critical elements to maximize your resources and impact.

The online version – an AI-powered, custom-designed tool, specifically created to sort Behavior Profiles – takes you step-by-step through the process. You’ll end up with concise, precise, and critical behavioral information for your strategy. Behavior Summary process

You have done all the thinking by priority behavior. This tool helps you pull it together in a way that is easy to use and even more focused. Your Behavior Profiles look at individual priority behaviors. The Behavior Summary looks at all the behaviors put together.

You will group your behaviors. Using these groupings, you will sort and summarize your factors, your supporting actor actions, and your program strategies. 

The tool breaks down information into manageable pieces.Behavior Summary with crosscutting highlighted

Our brains can only process so much information at a time. We take advantage of the beauty of AI to process the information first, grouping factors, supporting actors, and program strategies. Then you are presented with pre-sorted sets of information that are easier to digest.

You can agree or disagree, accept, or not accept the AI suggestions. Leave things where the AI put them or move them to where you think they should be. You are in the driver’s seat; our AI tool is your co-pilot.

Once you have sorted and summarized by groups of behaviors, merge and summarize again across all behaviors.

As with the Behavior Profile tool, several people can work on different parts of the same Summary at the same time. This lets you choreograph your team workflow. All information is still recorded into one Behavior Summary. When everyone is finished, you will see the full results. Genius? We think so.

Want to see how it works?  View Tutorial

Tool: Translate Behavior Profiles or a Behavior Summary into a Results Framework

Translate tool 2

Found: Offline PDF 

This tool crosswalks from a Behavior Profile or Summary to a traditional results framework.

Move smoothly from all the behavioral decisions you have made to a more traditional format – one accepted by most organizations and donors. The tool also ensures that you keep a behavior-centered approach. And demonstrate that in a way that is understandable and rings true with readers of your results framework.  The tool offers samples of different ways to present your results framework whether you have only one priority behavior or you have several priority behaviors.

Tool: Develop a Workplan

Found: Offline PDF 

Workplan toolThis tool helps you take a traditional workplan format and present it through a behavioral lens.

The link between the activities conducted and behaviors will be crystal clear. You will answer a series of questions to be sure all the needed information is included in your workplan. The tool provides a checklist that you can follow to develop the plan. It also provides examples, to give you a clear idea of what you can do. All while working to stay focused on changing the priority behaviors, addressing your factors, and involving supporting actors in well-defined ways.

Tool: Map and Coordinate Partners

Found: Offline PDF 

Map toolThis tool reviews and organizes multi-partner work in the field through a visual overlay of activities by partner, activity, and program area.

You will detail what partners are doing around the priority behaviors and analyze if they are working in the best way. Our mapping tool will let you see overlaps, gaps, and confusions among partner activities. It offers suggestions on how to discuss issues highlighted by the map. There are also templates, samples, and recommendation sheets to determine if implementation changes need to be made and, if so, how.

Tool: Manage Activities with Behavior Profiles and Summary

Found: Offline PDF 

Manage toolThis tool shows you how to use your Profiles and Summary on an ongoing basis.

Put into action activities that stay true to the priority behaviors. This tool challenges you with a set of questions to ask yourself and program partners, on an ongoing basis, to keep behaviors top of mind for implementers and emphasized throughout implementation. These questions cover broad issues: Progress towards your goal via behavioral aspects of your program. Shared accountability for following pathways. And next steps for continuing and adapted activities.