The first phase of behavior integration is gathering INSIGHT through behavior analysis. Here you define and analyze priority behaviors to map pathways to social and behavior change.


The first two steps of the behavior integration process (define and analyze) explore the goal (or challenge), key behaviors and influencing factors, and develop insights so that you can start to map pathways to change.

What is unique to Think | BIG is its structured, easy-to-follow framework: the Behavior Profile. This lets you think through your priority behaviorsThe behavioral outcomes that directly achieve your goal. Articulating and focusing on behaviors that are most closely aligned with your goal helps make the most of limited resources.from steps needed to practice the behavior, to factors inhibiting or supporting this practice, to understanding those who can help with activities and what they can do, to good program interventions to conduct. To maximize investments, you want to choose only those interventions that will change priority behaviors. A Behavior Profile will help you make those choices.


Here you will identify the goal (or challenge), priority behaviors and the specific and measurable behavioral outcomes. Focusing on the priority behaviors with the most potential for impact is critical to ensure lasting results and to make the most of limited resources. It is important to include key decision makers in this step. Below are the tasks and supporting tools in this step.


Support Tool*

Identify your goal and barriers to reaching it. This ensures you first think about what you want to achieve, and what you need to overcome, before jumping into programming.  

Establish Your Program Goal and Hindering Causes 

Identify what behaviors need to be sustained, initiated, or stopped to achieve the goal, and then prioritize which behaviors are most important to achieving your goal. 

Prioritize Behaviors


Here you will analyze the priority behavior(s), the context and reasons behind why people do what they do, who influences them and the pathways to the actions they take. Consultation and collaboration with primary actors and their influencers are at the heart of this step. The Behavior Profile is the organizing framework you will use to build your change pathway; engaging a SBC specialist at this stage is helpful to get the best advice on what behavioral model, theory and tools will be most relevant to your behavioral goal. Below are the tasks and supporting tools in this step.


Support Tool*

Collect as much available information as possible on the priority behaviors through desktop and formative research.

Appendix B in Create a Behavior Profile

Analyze factors preventing or supporting the behavior, including what supporting actors can do to help. Determine the most critical factors to focus on. 

What are Factors?

Who are Supporting Actors? What are Their Actions?

Appendix C in Create a Behavior Profile

Populate the Behavior Profile framework with the summary of information related to factors and supporting actors.

Create a Behavior Profile 

Draft behavior outcome indicators for your priority behaviors and factor-level outcome indicators for your critical factors.

Establish Behavioral Outcome Indicators

Assess the Quality of Behavioral Outcome Indicators

When you are ready, move on to the next phase of behavior integration: ACTION.