Behavior and Factor Data Dashboards

Think | BIG behavior and factor data dashboards can help you monitor you behavioral and factor-level outcome indicators to track progress toward your desired social and behavior changes.

The dashboards are online tools available through your Think | BIG account. Set up your free account here. 

All tools for all phases can also be found under Resources and linked from the BIG Tools page.

Tool: Behavior Data Dashboard

Tracking behavioral outcomes pinkish background

Found: Online only  

This tool lets you see your results through an interactive platform. 

Our dashboard tracks changes based on data you have entered, or existing system data, at the national and sub-national levels (depending on data available) using trend lines and heat maps.  

You identified your behavioral outcome indicators in Phase 1: InsightIf you have behavioral outcome indicators that are not in the system, you can add them in the custom data entry tool

Once you have set your targets, quickly and easily jump straight to your Behavior Outcome Dashboard to see where your indicators stand and how you are doing on all of your priority behaviors.

As you update your data, your Dashboard will automatically update as well.

You can access the trend lines and country maps here too.  And, for the 25 high impact health behaviors, the system provides performance indicator reference sheets to share with your monitoring and evaluation team.

Tool: Factor Data Dashboard

Tracking in a Behavior Profile

Found: Online only 

This tool helps you set targets for changes in your factors.

You can track your progress through trend lines and heat maps, right in the Behavior Profile and along your pathways to change, based on indicators you define in the Behavior Profile or in the custom data entry tool.

You will have identified your factor-level outcome indicators in Phase 1: Insight.  But if not, you can work on those now.

If you have factor-level outcome indicators that are not in the system, you can add them now in the custom data entry tool

Factor-level outcome indicators are directly linked to your critical factors. The system shows this two ways: 

  1. Directly along the pathways to change in your Behavior Profiles.
  2. Or as stand-alone indicators by priority behaviors.

Like the Behavior Outcome Dashboard, you can follow the most recent trends and a country heat map. The custom data entry tool lets you input any data you have to effectively track your factors.