Goal 7:  Set

Step 11: Set targets of success for your behavioral uptake and factor-level changes

TEAM TASK: Using all the evidence and baseline data available to you, set reasonable targets of success to measure for your priority behaviors and critical factors.

Step Output: List of success targets for priority behaviors and critical factors

Tool Needed: Set Targets – descriptiononlineoffline PDF

Goal 8:  Track

Step 12: Monitor how much behavior change is happening

TEAM TASK: Input your baseline data into the BIG system, or system of your choice, including targets for behavioral uptake, and follow your program activities and the results of these activities.

Step Output: Behavior outcomes

Tool Needed: Behavior Data Dashboard – descriptiononline

Step 13: Monitor how many important factors are changing

TEAM TASK: Input your baseline data into the BIG system, or system of your choice, including targets for factor-level changes, and follow your program activities and the results of these activities.

Step Output: Factor-level outcomes

Tool Needed: Factor Data Dashboard – descriptiononline

Goal 9:  Adapt

Step 14: Adapt your activities to accelerate the rate of behavioral uptake

TEAM TASK: Using what you learned during your monitoring visits, adapt your workplan and activities to address your program needs.

Step Output: Adapted plan

Tool Needed: Adaptive Management Guidance – descriptionoffline PDF

Step 15: Evaluate your activities and gather lessons learned

TEAM TASK: Taking all the data that you have available to evaluate your program successes, input the data into BIG’s online tracking system and follow your wins.

Step Output: Country-specific data tracking

Tool Needed: Custom Data Entry – descriptiononline

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