Focus and Analyze Tool DescriptionsProvider Competencies

Remember to access the online tools you need to set up a FREE account so that you can save your work and create (or join an existing) Work Area.  We guide you through the Work Area selection or creation process, so we will be there to help! 

Click on online or offline for the version of the tool you wish to use, depending on what is available.    

When you click on an online tool below, if you are signed in, it will automatically take you to the Work Area.  If not yet signed in, it will ask you to sign in first, then it will take you to the Work Area.

All tools for all phases can also be found under Resources and linked from the BIG Tools page.

Tool: Establish Goals and Causes

Found: online instructions offline PDF

Prioritized causes of mortality

This tool helps you set the goal for your program, then sort out causes that are stopping you from achieving that goal.

It’s a simple, 2-step process that makes sure you don’t forget to think about what you want to achieve, and what you need to overcome to achieve it, before jumping into your programming.  You will have the foundation you need to pick priority behaviors, strategize around them, and measure your results.


Tool: Behavior Prioritization

Found:  onlineoffline PDF

This tool helps you select the priority behaviors needed in your program to address the causes stopping you from achieving your goal. 

Develop a set of possible core behaviors using the information you already organized on your goal and causes inhibiting that goal.  Then filter that set until you have a list of just the priority behaviors for your program, specific primary actors and specific behavioral actions you want them to take.Uptake of high impact health behavior

The online tool is particularly helpful if your goal inhibitors need high impact health behaviors.  The tool provides (for select countries) evidence around 25 high impact health behaviors, as well as behavioral language for these 25 health behaviors.  If you use the online prioritization tool for any of the 25 high impact health behaviors, the tool will also help you identify additional causes preventing the attainment of your goal.

If you are developing custom behaviors for a topic – health or other – we’ve got you covered. You can follow the prioritization process offline.  When developing your own custom behaviors, you will need to gather information on what behaviors to consider, but the instructions will walk you through the process. Having trouble wording your custom behaviors?  We’ve provided instructions on developing clear behaviors. 

Whether you use the online or offline tool to select your priority behaviors, you can always input any behaviors into the system and keep moving through the process online.  Or you can keep moving through the process offline.  You’ll love the freedom our tools give to make progress whichever way works best for you!

If you want a sneak peek at how it works:  View Tutorial

Tool: Behavior Profile Creation

Found: online tooloffline PDF

Visit:  dedicated Behavior Profile page for a deep dive and samples (they are that good!)

Behavior Profiles are the cornerstone tool for the Think BIG approach to social and behavior change.  Sit back and let the magic happen as our visual approach to analyzing behaviors lets you trace concrete pathways to change.

Our state-of-the-art online tool walks you through using the quantitative and qualitative evidence you have to answer five key questions: 

  1. What steps do your primary actors need to take to practice this priority behavior?
  2. What factors prevent or support their practice of this behavior?
  3. Who else must support this behavior and what actions do they need to take?
  4. What program strategies to increase behavioral uptake show up in this analysis?
  5. If desired, how would we measure changes in critical factors?

The Behavior Profile tool allows you to create a dynamic, evidence-based picture of your pathways to change for each priority behavior.

What steps are needed to practice this behavior?


What prevents or supports practice of the behavior?

Provider competencies
Family and community support
Attitudes and beliefs
Supporting Actors
Who must support the practice of the behavior?

Policy makers
Logistics personnel
Community leaders
Religious leaders
Family members
Male partners

How might we best focus our actions?

Enabling Environment
Institutional capacity building
Partnerships and networks
Policies and governance
Systems, Products and Services
Products and technology
Supply chain
Quality improvement
Demand and Use
Collective engagement
Skills building

You can set factor-level outcome indicators in the tool (pro tip: draft these early, so you have time to discuss and improve them).  We provide lots of help with indicators, giving you possible choices, or you can take free rein and create your own.

We’ve built hybrid tools for a hybrid world:  You can use the tool on your own or with your team working together, in-person or virtually.  One cBehavior Profile with pathways highlightedool feature of the tool: as many people as needed can pull it up online at the same time and work on it  together.  Or if you prefer, you can work on it individually.  The tool lets you easily make changes and share with others.

Not quite ready to click on the tool, but intrigued by the power of Behavior Profiles? 

You can also View Tutorial to see how it works.

For a fun kickstart: try your hand at the Behavior Profile game.  Learn about developing a Behavior Profile while helping a mother save her son from a high fever. Gamification meets behavior integration. That’s what we call a win-win!

Tool: Establish Behavioral and Factor-Level Outcome Indicators

Found: offline PDF

This tool helps you set indicators that will measure your progress and success along the pathways to change. 

Feel confident in your results and define top quality indicators.  Know what is working.  And learn what might still need improvement (and why) by following trends over time, based on changes to your priority behaviors and what is happening with the critical factors that influence your behaviors. This tool can lead you to indicators like this program did on a nutrition behavior. This tool also provides a quality indicator guide, sample indicators, and checklists to help you develop the best indicators you can have for your program.  Pathways indicators example

Tool: Ideas Library

Found: online library

Stuck in the same old paradigm?  Browse our Ideas Library and let it spark some new thinking on factors, pathways to change, program strategies and interventions.

Ideas Library

See a broad range of critical factors that could be the starting point for pioneering behavior integration in your own context.  Presentation of work follows the pathways to change used in the Behavior Profile tool.

Find out what kinds of strategies others used to address critical factors, which might work for your program.

You can read and download social and behavior change articles on a variety of health topics and see the impact these different programs had on their goal.