Sample Language

Sample language has been drafted to help staff write with a behavioral focus. Click on any of the categories below to find language on that topic. hen cut, paste, and adapt any of the language thatis useful to you.

 Maternal and Child Survival Efforts

Development organizations are making strategic investments to accelerate progress towards saving  XX children and XXmothers by XXXX. Over 30 priority behaviors have been identified which, evidence suggests, can save lives if they are practiced properly and widely. A premium is being set on behavioral goals, indicators that measure behavior, and programming that closes the gap between current practice and lifesaving practice. [COUNTRY NAME] is a priority country for maternal and child survival efforts.

Priority Behaviors

Behavior Analysis

Behavior in a Proposal (General)

Indicators and Data Collection

Addressing One Behavior in a Proposal or Activity

You will need to adapt and revise this language based on the behavior and its analysis (i.e., Behavior Profile or similar). Visit Focus and Analyze resources for more information on how to effectively analyze selected behavior(s).

Behavior-centered vs. Behavior-led

Statement on Selected Priority Behavior

Statement on Critical Factors

Statement on Key Supporting Actors and Actions

Statment on Illustrative Strategies or Interventions

Statement on Theory of Change - Results Framework

Addressing Multiple Behaviors in a Procurement Mechanism

You will need to adapt and revise this language based on the behaviors you have chosen to prioritize and their Summary. Visit Focus and Analyze resources for more information on how to effectively analyze your priority behavior(s).

Behavior-centered vs. Behavior-Led 

Statement on Behavioral Priorities

Statement on Factors - Unique and Cross-Cutting

Statement on Supporting Actors and their Actions - Unique and Cross-Cutting

Statement on Illustrative Strategies - Unique and Cross-Cutting

Statement on Theory of Change - Results Framework