Goal 4:  Summarize

Step 6: Summarize the priority behaviors for strategy design

TEAM TASK: Using the online tool if your Behavior Profiles are in the system, or the offline tool if they are not, develop your program’s Behavior Summary.

Step Output: Behavior Summary

Tool Needed: Behavior Summary – descriptiononline – offline PDF

Goal 5:  Design

Step 7: Develop your results framework

TEAM TASK: Using your finalized Behavior Summary, craft your behavioral-oriented Results Framework as the basis for your strategy narrative.

Step Output: Behaviorally-oriented Results Framework

Tool Needed: Translate Behavior Profiles or a Behavior Summary into a Results Framework – descriptionoffline PDF

Step 8: Generate the strategy narrative

TEAM TASK: Taking your behaviorally oriented Results Framework and the sample outline for a strategy narrative, draft the narrative for your program’s strategy.

Step Output: Strategy Narrative

Tool Needed:  No tool, but see a sample narrative outline on our Resources page

Step 9: Design activities in harmony with your behaviors and goals

TEAM TASK: Using your list of program strategies, further list out specific activities to conduct to accomplish each strategy.

Step Output: Draft Workplan

Tool Needed:  Develop a Workplan – descriptionoffline PDF

Goal 6:  Manage

Step 10: Implement your activities

TEAM TASK: Map your partners’ activities to priority behaviors and develop a checklist to guide implementation around these behaviors.

Step Outputs:

  1. Partner Map
  2. Checklist to Review Implementation Progress

Tools Needed: 

  1. Map and Coordinate Partners – descriptionoffline PDF
  2. Manage Activities with Behavior Profiles and Behavior Summary – descriptionoffline PDF

Want to set up a consultation or need help troubleshooting?  Contact us.