Behavior Profile: Government improves and streamlines procedures for efficient trade
Goal has not been set
Government improves and streamlines procedures for efficient trade

Behavior Analysis



What steps are needed to practice this behavior?

Government improves procedures for efficient trade

  1. Engage with and listen to the voices of key private sector actors.
  2. Ensure trade policy coherence with World Trade Organization Trade facilitation agreement
  3. Government revises existing, or creates new, tariff, customs, and Free Trade Zone procedures aligned with World Trade Organization Trade Facilitation Agreement.
  4. Consistently implement standard procedures in a timely and responsive manner
  5. Ensure transparent communication and enforcement of related requirements
  6. Promote trade facilitation services between exporters and importers
  7. Reduce non tariff barriers to trade
  8. Improve Government consistency and transparency on administering fees and charges


What factors may prevent or support practice of this behavior?
Accessibility: Government does not improve trade procedures and controls because they have inadequate capacity to implement, communicate, and enforce trade policies and programs
Service Provider Competencies: Government does not improve trade procedures, controls, and transparency because they lack existing models upon which to benchmark.
Service Experience: Government does not improve trade policies, procedures and controls because they lack integrated IT systems and harmonized processes.
Attitudes and Beliefs: Government does not improve trade procedures, controls, and enforcement because they have been unable to effectively implement existing policies
Knowledge: Government does not improve trade procedures, controls, and enforcement because they lack a coherent strategy to do so.


Who must support the practice of this behavior, and what actions must they take?
Policymakers: Establish appropriate streamlined systems and provide adequate information to improve effectivness and access to trade systems.
Policymakers: Harmonize and coordinate actions among partner agencies to foster greater transparency and intergration.
Policymakers: Create clear policies and engage in dialogue with partners and stakeholders to enable effective implementation
Exporters/Trading partners: Improve access and adherance to trade policies and procedures.


What strategies will best focus our efforts based on this analysis?

Strategy requires Communication Support

Enabling Environment
Partnerships and Networks: Cultivate coordination of agencies operating within the sector to reduce bottlenecks and duplication
Policies and Governance: Develop systems that ensure information sharing, accessibility of procedures, and transparent enforcement.
Policies and Governance: Update and publicize the use of the Inquiry point as a source of information
Systems, Products and Services
Infrastructure: Improve integration of various infrastructures to enable efficient implementation of trade procedures.
Quality Improvement: Initiate activities with partner agencies to reduce barriers to trade
Quality Improvement: Provide regular systematic updates to ensure policies and procedures are coherent, effectively implemented, and transparently enforced.