Behavior Profile: Teachers deliver quality instruction
Education Goal: Strengthen the chain of accountability in basic schools to improve learning outcomes and equity
Teachers deliver quality instruction
Percentage of primary teachers who deliver quality instruction, as per national guidelines

Behavior Analysis



What steps are needed to practice this behavior?

Teachers deliver quality instruction

  1. Provide quality instruction, including time on tasks and teachers attendance
  2. Track pupil attendance


What factors may prevent or support practice of this behavior?
Accessibility: Teachers are unable to deliver quality instruction because system lacks resources to ensure teachers have the quality needed.
Accessibility: Teachers are unable to deliver quality education because system do not allocate resources appropriately.
Accessibility: Teachers are unable to deliver quality instruction because system resources do not often trickle down to classrooms.
Family and Community Support: Teachers do not deliver quality education because there is a lack of external pressure from communities and families to perform.
Norms: Teachers do not deliver quality education because there are low expectations and standards for behavior as well as weak incentive system for public basic school teachers from within the system.
Attitudes and Beliefs: Teachers do not deliver quality education because they have low professional expectations.
Knowledge: Teachers do not deliver quality education because they lack knowledge of basic and innovative instruction.
Skills: Teachers do not deliver quality instruction because their methodology and practices are not adequate.


Who must support the practice of this behavior, and what actions must they take?
Policymakers: Advocate for improved financing and management of primary education.
Policymakers: Develops quality national curriculum in reading and math at the primary level.
Managers: Improve development and delivery of teaching-learning materials at the school level.
Managers: Improve content of teacher development pre-service and in-service training.
Managers: Draft education accountability framework with clear norms, incentives, and sanctions for improved teacher professional behavior.
Private Sector: Support quality inputs for deprived schools in deprived districts.
Head Teachers: Monitor teacher performance against standard.


What strategies will best focus our efforts based on this analysis?

Strategy requires Communication Support

Enabling Environment
Financing: Develop performance-based financing initiatives for continued funding.
Financing: Lobby to increase initial government funding for basic schools.
Institutional Capacity Building: Strengthen capacity of education services to develop and deliver teaching-learning materials to school level.
Institutional Capacity Building: Support the development of an innovative curriculum in reading and math at the primary level.
Partnerships and Networks: Partner to offer national grants to all deprived districts to improve attendance and quality inputs for schools.
Policies and Governance: Support in drafting a education accountability framework with improved norms and standards for improving teacher behavior and with structured process for monitoring, rewards, and sanctions.
Demand and Use
Skills Building: Upgrade national teacher development programs.