Behavior Profile: Government improves policy formulation and execution for private sector investment
Goal has not been set
Government improves policy formulation and execution for private sector investment

Behavior Analysis



What steps are needed to practice this behavior?

Government improves policy formulation and execution for private sector investment

  1. Understand market dynamics through gathering and use of market intelligence.
  2. Develop policies to increase business participation in these markets
  3. Reduce the cost of doing business, including business registrations and licensing, key infrastructure, commercial law, and access to energy
  4. Streamline port procedures for the import and export of goods
  5. Create open dialogue opportunities with the private sector to obtain feedback, and respond accordingly
  6. Builds capacity to understand and properly value and exploit market opportunities for trade acceleration. Tools for valuation include risk mitigation, emerging technologies, competitive dynamics and others.
  7. Build capacity to source, negotiate, and structure, and close complex deal structures.


What factors may prevent or support practice of this behavior?
Accessibility: External constraints such as lack of access to finance, information, and land tenure stifle private sector investments
Service Provider Competencies: Government does not improve private sector enabling environment because its institutions do not offer appropriate services and its workers lack appropriate skills
Service Experience: Government has limited coordination with the private sector around the business enabling environment and associated policies
Gender: Government does not have gender-sensitive policies in the business enabling environment to foster inclusion in the economic growth space
Norms: Government employees do not enforce regulations or follow rules to enable transparent and equitable services
Self-Efficacy: Investors often terminate planned activities due to bottlenecks and frustrating processes, reducing Government confidence in its own service delivery
Knowledge: "One stop shop" services and transparent processes do not exist in the country


Who must support the practice of this behavior, and what actions must they take?
Policymakers: Engage with its own institutions to review and update staff and introduce sanctions and rewards
Policymakers: Develop and promote equitable policies that ensure inclusiveness, particularly for women and youth
Policymakers: Directly engage with the private sector to a greater extent
Policymakers: Review and streamline policies to create a conducive environment for investments
Policymakers: Review and update skills of staff to promote efficient service delivery
Providers: Pursue opportunities to engage investors and become more service oriented
Providers: (Front-line institutions) Demonstrate the ability to provide essential information and skills to clients
Providers: (Government, analysts, and business development services) Develop innovative ways to provide timely service and support to investors
Private sector: Actively engage Government policymakers and implementing agencies to advocate for a better investment environment


What strategies will best focus our efforts based on this analysis?

Strategy requires Communication Support

Enabling Environment
Institutional Capacity Building: Develop an integrated investment promotion and policy framework
Institutional Capacity Building: Strengthen the Government's ability to enforce regulations and ensure accountability
Institutional Capacity Building: Invest in soft infrastructure to upgrade staff skills
Policies and Governance: Involve the private sector to formulate policy to reduce risk and increase certainty for private sector
Policies and Governance: Cultivate and use data from a variety of sources to formulate policy
Policies and Governance: Develop a structured policy framework and set up "one stop shops" to provide efficient services
Policies and Governance: Enforce policies that are client friendly and aimed at attracting investors
Policies and Governance: Implement policies that foster inclusion, particularly for women and youth
Policies and Governance: Formulate regulatory reforms, upgrade the legal framework and renew obsolete laws
Systems, Products and Services
Infrastructure: Incentivize formalization through efficient business registration process
Demand and Use
Communication: Transparently promote laws and regulations pertaining to private sector investment
Communication: Exploit digital tools to enable decentralization of services and access to information