Behavior Profile: Businesses improve the quality and diversity of their goods and services
Goal has not been set
Businesses improve the quality and diversity of their goods and services

Behavior Analysis



What steps are needed to practice this behavior?

Businesses improve the quality and diversity of their goods and services

  1. Using business development services, as appropriate, conduct market research to determine product or service attributes (IE price point and/or distribution channel) including discovery of new offerings or customer segments for an existing offering.
  2. Define quality of product or service based upon optimal cost and pricing for targeted market.
  3. Seek information about required quality thresholds from regulatory agencies
  4. Seek feedback on quality and diversity of their offerings from consumer
  5. Access needed equipment, materials, training, and additional staff using appropriate financing strategies.
  6. Consistently meet approved products and services standards
  7. Support regulatory bodies to enforce product standards
  8. Prepare and develop systems to respond to emerging international standards to grow and accelerate trade.


What factors may prevent or support practice of this behavior?
Accessibility: Business do not have access to the latest technologies (including tools and equipment) that would help them to improve the quality and diversity of their product offerings and services
Accessibility: Businesses do not adhere to standards because of the high cost of compliance. Cost factors might include uncertainty of standards themselves, increased distribution costs in the form of monitoring, refrigeration, bar coding, or packaging requirements, supply origin identification and others.
Gender: Women do not adhere to international standards because they lack access to capital needed for compliance
Norms: Businesses do not meet standards of their target markets because of inconsistent enforcement by regulatory authorities springing from lack of capacity or corruption.
Attitudes and Beliefs: Businesses do not believe that compliance to international standards leads to higher prices and increased income
Knowledge: Businesses do not adhere to international standards because they do not have needed information about the standards since they are not delivered through available information services
Skills: Businesses lack the technical expertise to meet international standards


Who must support the practice of this behavior, and what actions must they take?
Policymakers: Train and update Government experts' skills to provide required oversight to the sector
Policymakers: Create the infrastructure to enable easier access to international standards across the country
Policymakers: Prioritize product quality and equip staff and inspection centers with appropriate tools to provide service for businesses
Policymakers: Provide transparent regulatory processes to support the activities of businesses
Providers: Demonstrate ability to provide essential information and skills to clients in a clear and respectful manner
Providers: Use technology to improve the quality and diversity of product offerings and services
Regulatory Bodies: Explore innovative avenues of implementing sanctions and rewards for compliance/non compliance
Regulatory Bodies: Demonstrate the importance of compliance and equitably enforce standards
Testing Labs: Provide quality laboratory analyses to ensure that standards are being met. Optionally, provide suggestions for reaching standards.
Training Institutions: Improve human resource capacity of businesses so they can take advantage of innovations and to improve the quality of goods and services offered, especially for food and pharmaceutical sectors.


What strategies will best focus our efforts based on this analysis?

Strategy requires Communication Support

Enabling Environment
Financing: Expand access to financing for firms ready to expand profitably into new markets.
Institutional Capacity Building: Create a system to provide incentives for compliance and accountability.
Institutional Capacity Building: Institutionalize and enforce the use of standard operating protocols
Institutional Capacity Building: Create training and re-certification programs for regulatory institutions to ensure updated expertise for target sectors.
Policies and Governance: Enforce policies and enable the regulatory institution to mandate compliance
Policies and Governance: Create policies that enable the development of standards for the businesses
Policies and Governance: Streamline government required processes and review fees and charges for businesses
Systems, Products and Services
Quality Improvement: Expand and enforce Green Label initiative aimed at establishing a local standard among exporters
Quality Improvement: Expand access to technical expertise and services by qualified personnel
Quality Improvement: Provide resources and technical equipment to enable the provision of quality required services
Demand and Use
Skills Building: Develop opportunities for skills upgrade through peer mentoring, embedded advisers and e-learning.